Zsolt Szalay (photo) stepped down as the CEO of MOL Romania, after four years in the job, in order to pursue other career in the Hungarian-based oil company. Szabolcs Ferencz, former spokesperson of the group has been nominated to replace Szalay.
“Expats don’t have a term longer than 3-4 years at MOL, and I have been in the job for four years”, Szalay commented.
He added that the greatest achievement during his term was the integration of MOL filling stations, acquired in 2004. The Dutch-based oil company Shell pulled out operations from the country three years later, in 2007, when it sold the LPG division.
The new country manager joined MOL group in 2003, and served as communication VP and head of marketing operations. Ferencz brings a solid experience in governmental and corporate communication.
“The company’s results in the country and our commitment for continuing investments here stand proof of the fact that Romania is a success factor for MOL Group”, the new head of MOL Romania said.
MOL has around 135 filling stations across the country. MOL Plc is a leading multinational oil and gas company in Central and Eastern Europe, based in Budapest. MOL Group has operations in Europe, Middle East, Africa and CIS countries, and employs 33,000 worldwide. MOL holds fine refineries in Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia and Italy, with an aggregate refining capacity of 23.5 million tons/year. MOL has 1500 filling stations across Central and South-Eastern European Countries.