Three ministers from the future Boc Cabinet, namely Adriean Videanu, Laszlo Borbely and Kelemen Hunor expressed publicly their opinion and intentions in regards to the mining project from Rosia Montana during the parliamentary hearings from Tuesday, December 22. At this stage the procedures of giving the Rosia Montana mining project the green light are stuck at the Environment Ministry, after NGOs opposing the opening of the gold mine have contested several documents in court.
Canadian company Gabriel Resources claims that the Romanian state will win four billion dollars. But the presumed profit will be receive in instalments, over a period of 16 years and safe for the company's claims, there are no guarantees that it will happen. The only contract between the Canadian company and the Romanian state, namely the exploitation license, is classified.
The opportunity
Future Environment minister Laszlo Borbely said his he needs 101% guarantees that the exploitation would not pollute the area before he authorises the mining project. A Romanian-Hungarian commission is collecting data to decide on the verdict. During the parliamentary commission hearings on December 22, Borbely stated that Gabriel resources, the main Rosia Montana share holder, Gold Corporation, tried to obtain a new local urbanity plan. The trials on the case ruled in court in 2007 that the Romanian government stopped the project's evaluation procedures.
Economy Minister Adriean Videanu declared on December 22 that he ants t see the Rosia Montana project happening. He refereed to the opportunity that Romania's 18 gold mining fields could mean, namely one million dollars a day spending and jobs. According to him, the issue that needs solving is technical.
Watch the museum
Culture minister Kelemen Hunor he would not rush to authorise the Rosia Montana projec