Following border crossing controls carried out by border policemen and customs officials, hundreds of thousands of counterfeit products were seized, 177 criminal case files were registered at border police level, and investigations are conducted for having committed crimes affecting intellectual property rights.
According to statistics compiled at the request of the Curierul Naţional, in the first 11 months of 2009, border policemen together with customs officials found at Romania's borders counterfeit goods bearing protected international brands such as Dior, Nina Ricci, Gucci, Givenchy, Nike, Adidas and others. Thus, 307,284 pieces of counterfeit clothing and lingerie, 264,484 pieces of counterfeit perfumery products and 80,116 pairs of shoes (whose value can not be assessed) were seized, and the goods will be destroyed after seizure.
As a rule, the goods are loaded in trucks whose destination is either the Romanian market or from other EU Member States or non-EU states.
Border policemen and customs officials from Bechet discovered in a truck that transports goods from Bulgaria to Holland, footwear and sportswear likely to be counterfeit, in a total amount of some 350,000 euros.
Following a physical inspection, it was found that the transported cargo was loaded on 27 pallets and consisted of 3613 pairs of sports shoes bearing the name Adidas, 2984 pcs. training suits bearing the name NIKE and 3434 NIKE brand training trousers - likely to be counterfeit goods.
On 19 April, the border policemen of the Vărşand cross-border point found in a ware truck registered in Turkey and driven by the Turkish citizen T.Canverdi, 65, 19 tons of perfumes likely to be counterfeit, which were to arrive in Germany. According to documents accompanying the goods, the truck was supposed to be loaded with 19 tons of textile materials from Turkey for a company