The activity in the processing industry, retail commerce and services will shrink during December 2009 - February 2010, in comparison with the previous quarter, while constructions will undergo a more accentuated decline, according to commercial societies managers interviewed by the Romanian National Statistics Institute (INS). They estimate that the immediate period will bring cuts in all economic sectors.
Managers in the processing industry forecast a moderate drop in the production for the next several months. For some activities, namely metallurgy, metallurgical engineering and the production of oil-derivates, wood processing, wood and cork derivates, except furniture, will record a shrinking tendency more significant than the overall figure.
A downwards trend is also expected in the number of employees. A relative stability is forecast for the price of industrial products for the coming months.
Constructions will record serious drops in production volume and the contracts' stock. Plus, managers estimate a serious cut in the number of employees, overall and in regards to enterprises. As for construction works, they are expected to drop moderately.
In December retail manager estimated a moderate drop in the sector's activity for the next three months. The total amount of sales will have a mild drop tendency, just like the volume of orderd goods suppliers receive. Managers expect expected the number of employees to drop slightly in this sector, but prepare to see retail prices increasing.
Services request will continue to drop over the next quarter, according to managers' estimates. The staff will be cut in this sector too, especially in the large enterprises (with over 500 employees). Nevertheless, managers expect to have stable prices. The activity in the processing industry, retail commerce and services