Three high schools or colleges from every county have been entered for "Ten for Romania" Gala, but the great winner was "Mircea cel Bătrân" High School from Constanţa. It is well known for the dozens of Olympics collegians and for the diverse curriculum developed with and for its collegians.
On 22 of December, 2009 National College Mircea cel Bătrân (NCMB) celebrated the award received within the Gala, at "Best High School from the Country" category. On this occasion the collegians had also an artistic programme with winter traditions among others.
At the Romanian Athenaeum, where the prizes were awarded, in behalf of NCMB there were present the principal Vasile Nicoară, and also the collegian from 9th grade Mihai Radu Popescu, who recently received the gold medal at Junior's International Olympics of Sciences. "It was a fantastic night, a sweet burden which I shared with a genius boy - Mihai Popescu", declared professor Nicoară. Besides, he added that the boy is now named "the second Einstein".
At the ceremony there were also present, besides collegians, teachers or formers teachers, the Vice Mayor Decebal Făgădău, the former prefect - Dănuţ Culeţu, both graduates of this high school, General School Inspector Elena Buhaiev and Cristina Anghel - principal of Ovidius High School. "We are not competitors, but friends. I have always said that. We are friends of the prize-winning pupils", declared principal of Ovidius High School. "If you run all by yourself and you get the first place there is no pleasure", replied professor Nicoară, related to the rivalry between the two high schools.
Three high schools or colleges from every county have been entered for "Ten for Romania" Gala, but the great winner was "Mircea cel Bătrân" High School from Constanţa. It is well known for the dozens of Olympics collegians and for the diverse curriculum devel