Ex-Romanian Defence minister Ioan Mircea Pascu, currently social-democtatic MEP, mocks on his personal blog the proposal of taxing fast food, fizzy drinks and sweets.
Addressing the fast food tax, Ioan Mircea Pascu says that "We can debate endlessly about this stupidity’s greatness (if I did not suspect the Finance also helped shape the tax, whose creativity regarding taxes is supreme, I would almost rejoice the fact that the [Health] minister is not Romanian)."
Ioan Mircea Pascu goes on with the irony, proposing a tax for sex: "I suggest to Mr. minister, but also his friends from the Finance department, to create an additional tax for marital and extra-marital sex - we could call it "the tax on happiness"; since not all sexual activity is a vice, it should be listed under the tax on vice, with clear instructions of enforcement, and its implementation should be verified by commissions made up of carefully selected citizens (maybe only from the parties in power), for additional support of certain programmes targeting the spread of sexually transmitted diseases ('technical" issues, including whether all the necessary would be bought on auction or direct supply, will depend, of course, exclusively on the specialists' competence)".
"In this way, by enforcing the named programmes, Romania will be able to take pride with the lowest rate in sexual transmitted diseases in the entire European Union", Ioan Mircea Pascu adds.
"Of course, this would entail setting up a special department in the Health ministry, maybe even an independent (decentralised) agency, with branches in all counties, coordinated if not by the tourism and public enterprises minister, then by at least the PM's cabinet, due to he positive impact on national pride an its importance for a better image of the country overseas (which means that the board of directors must inclu