The price estimated for the construction of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4 is fair , says Hugh MacDiarmid, chairman and CEO of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), the company that will provide consulting services in the nuclear safety and engineering to the €4 billion-NPP units.
“The construction of the Cernavoda NPP Units 3 and 4 is a very efficient project in terms of investment and it is also fairly priced. Romania has the advantage of a good logistic support and the experience achieved from the other two units from Cernavoda”, said MacDiarmid, the leader of a state-run Canadian company.
Though the investment for the completion of the Cernavoda nuclear power plant units 3 and 4 might seem too high, MacDiarmid says fuel savings for the country will be great.
“A hydrocarbon-based energy source means lower costs than a nuclear reactor. However, fuel costs at a hydrocarbon-based energy source accounts for 20% of its annual operating costs, while at a nuclear reactor, fuel costs account for only 6%”, MacDiarmid stressed.
As for the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4 project in Romania, AECL will undertake activities such as design, authorization and assessment of the existing infrastructure and safety conditions, for which the Canadian company will get €8 million on an annual basis.
“The contract is for one year, but we will provide consulting services after the contract expires if needed”, said MacDiarmid.
The Units 1 and 2 already in service provide 20 per cent of Romania’s electricity supply. Once complete, the Units 3 and 4 will increase the country’s nuclear energy capabilities and around 35-40% of the country’s energy supply will come from nuclear sources.
“I don’t know whether the share of 35-40% of nuclear energy in the country’s electricity supply can be deemed high, since in France for in