The beach in that area appears in expert's report from National Anticorruption Directorate concerning the retrocession file. In this file Mazare & Co are defendants.
The businessmen group who laid hands on the Casino from Mamaia Resort has great plans for the edifice built in 1934.
In a project handed in at the Environment Protection Agency it is requested the environment agreement for "partial demolition for building S+P+1-3E+E4 (basement +ground floor + 1-3 floors + 4th floor) with a 1,710 square meters area. Obviously it doesn't say where those 1,710 square meters are placed. But, eventually, the reference material uncovers the fact that the mentioned area is in Mamaia Resort, more precisely the Casino Centre. The beneficiaries are SC Mehmetoglu SRL, SC Best Hotels & Tours SRL and SC Progetto 2000 România SRL, well-known companies, leaded by individuals with an entire business history behind. In other words, the three companies want to eliminate the buildings existing on the 1,710 square meters area. More specific: demolition?
"Just a border"
On the studied land, there is a building S+P+1-3E+E4 with 1,710 sqm area. "Because one part of this building doesn't consist with beneficiary's request, this part is going to be demolished" says in the report signed by Blue Terra Consulting and Kalinia Proiect.
To make clear the first aspect, regarding demolition, we talked to Felix Arsene, head of Kalinia Proiect and one of Mazare's Administration favorites architects. "This is not about any Casino demolition. It is about demolition of a border. There is a beneficiary who tries to bring the Mamaia Casino into the 21st century", said Arsene. Later, the architect's opinion was contradicted both by the project from the Environment Protection Agency and the environment evaluation agent Adriana Stelea, director of Blue Terra Consulting.