Recent, am intrat in competitie la Title Design Awards la South by Southwest.
Iata aici creditsurile noastre indie, do it yourself aesthetics, care au fost selectate in festival:
Title Sequence for “Wowie” from Craig Webster on Vimeo.
E absolut hilar pentru ca ne batem cu nume gen Where the Wild Things Are (in your face, Spike Jonze!) si Up in the Air.
Deci on the road to Texas soon. 20 de ore de condus. Cu speranta ca primim free gift baskets.
Aici intregul film (8 min, 16mm, tras in Iowa City toamna trecuta). Wowie e o poveste despre un postas psihopat, obsedat de o tipa white trashy:
Wowie pt 1 from Craig Webster on Vimeo. Urmăreşte-ne pe Facebook şi pe Twitter
Recent, am intrat in competitie la Title Design Awards la South by Southwest.
Iata aici creditsurile noastre indie, do it yourself aesthetics, care au fost selectate in festival:
Title Sequence for “Wowie” from Craig Webster on Vimeo.
E absolut hilar pentru ca ne batem cu nume gen Where the Wild Things Are (in your face, Spike Jonze!) si Up in the Air.
Deci on the road to Texas soon. 20 de ore de condus. Cu speranta ca primim free gift baskets.
Aici intregul film (8 min, 16mm, tras in Iowa City toamna trecuta). Wowie e o poveste despre un postas psihopat, obsedat de o tipa white trashy:
Wowie pt 1 from Craig Webster on Vimeo. Urmăreşte-ne pe Facebook şi pe Twitter