URAAAA! Joi are concert. Interviul de azi este cu Jean Luc Ponty. Tipu’ cu vioara m-a fermecat cu jazzul si-n copilaria mea si, uite-l, si acum. Il pot atinge, asculta. Il ascultam si-l ascult cu mindrie. Ca l-am gasit in viata mea. Vioara il face om. Omul face vioara.
Which is Ponty’s philosophy on life?
JLP: I am a musician, not a philosopher, music is a mix of conscious and unconscious expression that is as mysterious as life itself.
What place in this world makes you feel at home?
JLP: wherever I am on the planet with my wife, children and grandchildren.
What frightens you?
JLP: interviews….ahaha (laughs)……no…..seriously, earthquakes, I experienced a few in California, tsunamis, hurricanes and every time nature shows its enormous power, like in Haiti and Chile recently.
What is the meaning, soul, philosophy of a violin? Is she alive when plays?
JLP: The violin is a wooden box, a music tool that can sound good or bad depending on whether the violinist is good or bad.
How is your relation with your violin? Is she a living person, a woman, a lover, a scalve of passion/pleasure or are you her slave?
JLP: My wife never had to be jealous of my violin because I have always consider it as an object and not a woman.
Is she obeying your demands or she has her own rithm and you have to adjust one another?
JLP: I am impressed by your imagination but let us be realistic, violin has no life of its own, however it is the most difficult musical instrument to master physically, therefore it requires to practice all the time, like athletes or jugglers have to. But for me the spirit is in the music much more than in the instrument. In my mind the music I compose comes first in the order of importance and I don’t write music for the violin specifically but for my whole band, and I have great musicians with me by the w