Cine a ascultat Odessa, una dintre cele mai bune singleuri lansate in acest an, si-a dat seama imediat de schimbarea produsa in sufletul lui Dan Snaith, dupa matematica ciudata din The Milk Of Human Kindness [Modern Life Is Rubbish Blog] si mai putin organicul (dar mult prea indieul) Andorra.
Fostul Manitoba, actualul Caribou, pune si el umarul pe santierul disco din ultimii ani. Dar el, fata de altii, are apa in urechi. Main theme H2O, mai exact. Si ii face bine; omul e cu atat mai bun cu cat imbatraneste. Spre deosebire, poate, de Lindstrom (haha). Pastoral si nighclubbing obscur la greu, plus sunete folosite cred fie de indieni, fie de ciobani. O miza superba deci. Ca o problema matematica, rezolvata prin desene 3D.
Mai multe in cuvintele lui.
It just happens that some of the tracks that were supposed to be dance-y were the most interesting to me. They had elements that dance music wasn’t supposed to have, or had sounds dance music doesn’t traditionally have in it, or some beat or tempo that wasn’t characteristic of dance music or whatever… I’ve never been successful at being rigid and saying, ‘Okay, this track is going to be in this genre.’ I always follow my nose and throw in any elements that appeal to me.
I became completely obsessed with it and now I swim constantly… The only times I really left the house in the past year were either to go out to a club late at night or, in the middle of making music during the day, I’d go to swim every day. It was important to get some distance, and ideas would percolate around in my head as I was swimming away. So it seemed like a theme that was appropriate.
Cine a ascultat Odessa, una dintre cele mai bune singleuri lansate in acest an, si-a dat seama imediat de schimbarea produsa in sufletul lui Dan Snaith, dupa matematica ciudata din The Milk Of Human Kindness [Modern Life Is Rubb