Just six of the 61 biggest consumer goods markets registered further growth last year: breakfast cereals (1%), cookies (2%), milk (5%) and whisky, of the foodstuff and drinks segment, and home storage products, pads and paper tissues, of the category of non-foodstuffs, shows a survey conducted by MEMRB market research company. Growth rates are in terms of volume. Other than frozen vegetables and baby diapers, which posted flat sales, all the other categories declined from 2008 sales volumes, in a year when the domestic economy contracted by 7%. Major producers in early 2009 banked on the food sector's resilience in the face of economic turmoil, but MEMRB data refute these expectations. The overall consumer goods market shrank by almost 11% in volume in 2009 year-on-year, but stayed at the value registered in 2008 (in RON). The RON dynamics can be translated through a euro decline of around 15%.
Just six of the 61 biggest consumer goods markets registered further growth last year: breakfast cereals (1%), cookies (2%), milk (5%) and whisky, of the foodstuff and drinks segment, and home storage products, pads and paper tissues, of the category of non-foodstuffs, shows a survey conducted by MEMRB market research company. Growth rates are in terms of volume. Other than frozen vegetables and baby diapers, which posted flat sales, all the other categories declined from 2008 sales volumes, in a year when the domestic economy contracted by 7%. Major producers in early 2009 banked on the food sector's resilience in the face of economic turmoil, but MEMRB data refute these expectations. The overall consumer goods market shrank by almost 11% in volume in 2009 year-on-year, but stayed at the value registered in 2008 (in RON). The RON dynamics can be translated through a euro decline of around 15%.