A quarter of the natural persons, or about 222,5000 people, with credits of 20,000 Euro and higher defaulted on their bank payments, according to data issued by the Center for Bank Risks. And this may be one of the reasons why Romanian bankers are against passing a law regulating the natural persons' bankruptcy.
A report drafted by the Moody's rating agency estimated that adopting such a law would cause major problems to financial institutions and undermine their finances. At the same time, the law would change the behavior of banks, which would be more reluctant in giving out credits to natural persons.
By the end of February, the aggregate amount of money owed to banks for over 90 days stayed at 6.41 billion lei, or about 1.53 billion Euro. The February value is 11.5% higher than the January one, while the latter is 6.8% higher than the December amount. The absolute aggregate figures would have been much higher, had the national currency not climbed against the Euro in the past months.
Translated by AAP
A quarter of the natural persons, or about 222,5000 people, with credits of 20,000 Euro and higher defaulted on their bank payments, according to data issued by the Center for Bank Risks. And this may be one of the reasons why Romanian bankers are against passing a law regulating the natural persons' bankruptcy.
A report drafted by the Moody's rating agency estimated that adopting such a law would cause major problems to financial institutions and undermine their finances. At the same time, the law would change the behavior of banks, which would be more reluctant in giving out credits to natural persons.
By the end of February, the aggregate amount of money owed to banks for over 90 days stayed at 6.41 billion lei, or about 1.53 billion Euro. The February value is 11.5% higher than the January one, while t