Borcea has transmitted to the revolted players, but also to Bratu and N'Doye that they must apologize in front of PCH to be readmitted
- Mr. Borcea, how do you catalogue the events from Dinamo from the last week?
- What happened is very serious. I think it was for the first time in the history of football when such thing happened. Those who ran from the training camp betrayed their colleagues, Dinamo, everything! They compromised the image and the objective of the club.
- Have you expected "the runaways" to do such a thing?
- Adrian Cristea and Zicu are the ones I helped the most. I took Mărgăritescu from Focşani, I brought Boştină too, I wanted him very much from Steaua. I was surprised of what they did, it is incredible!
- What about Alexe?
- Marius was brainless, what can you ask to a child of 20 years old, who stayed in the same room with Zicu? Being the youngest from Dinamo, maybe his idol is Zicu. But you should take the good parts, not the bad ones!
"Even their children will pay for this!"
- What risk the players who provoked this scandal?
- I won’t give a verdict; our lawyers are working at this case. It is unique in Europe what they did, I am sure that they will receive a unique sanction in Europe. I don’t want to pronounce myself, but they will pay a lot. Even their parents and children may pay for this.
- It was said that the brothers Becali would be behind the desertion of the five players from the training camp. What do you think?
- I think it is impossible, I have spoken both with the boys and the masters Becali. They have 17 players at Dinamo and they didn’t leave all.
- Is there any chance for the players to be readmitted at the first team?
- They have only one variant to get over such a thing. If they really love Dinamo and they realize the mistake, at the match with Iaşi, t