Almost five years after the launch of PetromV brand, Petrom's premium brand, the oil and gas company has decided to have all 124 PetromV filling stations turned either into Petrom, or OMV petrol stations. Branding specialists say PetromV cannot be viewed as a strategic failure, but as a point of transition from the old Petrom to a more popular brand, OMV. Thus, the biggest domestic company is in its turn joining oil companies to have announced several image changes lately. "Through the launch of PetromV brand there has been a credibility transfer from OMV to Petrom. At that time it was a good thing, it meant getting close to a name consumers link to a better product. Now, Petrom has a sufficiently good brand," says Cosmin Alexandru, general manager of Brandivia, a branding consulting company. Another reason that could justify Petrom's decision would be tied to cost cutting by reducing the number of managed brands. "All the 124 PetromV stations will be turned either into OMV, or Petrom filling stations by yearend," said Petrom's representatives, thus confirming the information ZF had published as early as last year.
Almost five years after the launch of PetromV brand, Petrom's premium brand, the oil and gas company has decided to have all 124 PetromV filling stations turned either into Petrom, or OMV petrol stations. Branding specialists say PetromV cannot be viewed as a strategic failure, but as a point of transition from the old Petrom to a more popular brand, OMV. Thus, the biggest domestic company is in its turn joining oil companies to have announced several image changes lately. "Through the launch of PetromV brand there has been a credibility transfer from OMV to Petrom. At that time it was a good thing, it meant getting close to a name consumers link to a better product. Now, Petrom has a sufficiently good brand," says Cosmin Alexandru, general manag