Why is the Romanian state budget losing tens of millions of euros from hunting? Elsewhere in the news, guidelines for the coming job cuts are out. Last but not least, austerity reduces the consumption.
Why is the Romanian state losing tens of millions of euros from hunting?, Romania Libera reads. Because most hunting funds have been attributed directly, for meaningless sums, equivalent with the price paid for shooting one single animal: Romania cashes 0.03 euros per hectare of the region where animals can be hunted.
The biggest hunting funds administrator is the Sportive Hunters and fishermen's General Association (AGVPSR) and its county branches, which have been handling 850 hunting funds for 10 years. The publication claims that the way they received the management of the funds was not transparent, with the ex- Waters and Forests Ministry seldom organising auctions. Thirteen million hunting hectares out of 22 millions. Romania counts 24 million hectares.
Sums paid to the state for managing the hunting should be generous, but AGVPSR and its branches pay 1.15 million euros, with less than 200,000 euros making it to the budget, the publication claims, because the rest is shared between the owners of the properties on this land (81%) and the environment fund (3%).
This year, the state's contract with AGVPSR and its branches expire. But Environment state secretary Cristian Apostol declared the law could not be changed this year. The old law sees that of the former owners prove to be of good faith, they have the right to renew the contract.
The hunting funds are said to be very valuable. AGVPSR Suceava allows the hunting of bears, stags, roebucks and mountain roosters, for example. The minimum price for a big stag is 200 - 400 euros, but ex-Gura Humorului Hunting Club secretary Vultur Petria says that people actu