Stocks at the Bucharest Stock Exchange have made a steep drop today across the board, with the SIF benchmark suffering the biggest slump of nearly 8%.
The total trade value at the equity market stood at 57 million lei (€13.7 million).
BET index that gauges the performance of the ten most actively traded stocks at BSE gave up 6.73% and closed at 4,978.98 points, while composite BET-C finished down 5.99% to 3,017.58 points.
BET-FI index of the five financial investment companies slumped 7.90% to 23,265.21 points, while Vienna’s ROTX decreased 5.31% to 10,489.80 points.
BET-XT index of the 25 most traded stocks shed 6.8% to 476.93 points, while BET-NG gauge of ten energy stocks fell 6.45% to 687.60 points.
SIF Oltenia shares (BSE:SIF5) have been the most traded today, with 13.2 million lei total trade value, while stock prices plummeted 9.55% to 1.42 lei. SIF Banat-Crisana (BSE:SIF1) dove 8.26% to 1.12 lei and recorded a total trade value of 3 million lei.
Banca Transilvania (BSE:TLV) moved 5.63% lower to 1.51 lei, while Transgaz (BSE:TGN) declined 8.54% to 213 lei.
OMV Petrom (BSE:SNP) posted 5.77% drop at closing to 0.29 lei, while Broker Cluj (BSE:BRK) fell 7.61% to 0.26 lei.