The European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA), gathered on May 21, 2010 at Athens, has elected Adriana Tanasoiu, chief executive of Central Depository, as member of ECSDA Executive Committee, thus confirming the dynamic participation of the Central Depository to the European initiatives designed to increase the efficiency of the settlement and registry process and to reduce costs and risks.
“It is an honor and an opportunity for the Central Depository to be represented in ECSDA Executive Committee and I am certain that this important step will contribute to a strong local market, in harmony with European standards. I am proud that Central Depository involvement and initiatives along with the Bucharest Stock Exchange efforts of placing the capital market on solid grounds are internationally recognized”, said Ovidiu Sergiu Pop, Central Depository president.
Jowl Merere, Euroclear France has been re-elected as president of the Executive Committee of the European Central Securities Depositories Association.
In October 2009, the Central Depository organized in premiere at Bucharest the ECSDA meeting. The CEOs of the 25 central depositories of Europe (Euroclear, Clearstream, SIS Clear – Switzerland, Helex – Greece, Keler – Hungary, Monte Titoli – Italy, Iberclear – Spain, OeKB – Austria and Interbolsa – Portugal etc) attended the event.
ECSDA (European Central Securities Depositories Association) was established in 1997 at Madrid and its objective is to offer solutions and provide advice at international level on technical, economical, financial, legal and also regulatory matters, to reduce risk and increase efficiency in custody, pre-settlement and settlement arrangements for securities and related payments across Europe.
Today, the association has 40 members: the international depositories Clearstream and Euroclear, the c