The Romanian National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (CNSAS) ruled that Gabriel Laurentiu Friptu, Regional Operation Programme Management Authority (POR) from the Regional Development and Tourism Ministry (MDRT, headed by Elena Udrea) was communist intelligence (Securitate) officer. He is currently handling 4.4 billion euros worth of European funds and, according to CNSAS, he had brought serious prejudices to human rights during the communist era, Anchete Online (Online Investigations).
CNSAS submitted a file to the Bucharest Appeal Court, including a notice stating Friptu was employed by the Securitate. The first hearing is set for June 23.
By the time the news was published on on the Romanian version, Gabriel Friptu could not be contacted by HotNews.
Gabriel Friptu was investigated by CNSAS at the authority's own initiative, given his managing position in MDRT. CNSAS employees discovered that the chief over EU funds fir regional developments used to be major lieutenant in the Securitate Bucharest branch before 1989, for the 130 Service. While in this role, Friptu had allegedly ordered for certain persons with "unsuitable political attitude" to be followed, according to the summon notice.
According to CNSAS, Securitate officer Friptu has also:
guided an information network , in order to learn the then interests of the "Szekler, his political attitude and the nature of relationships with his links";spied in order to find out the connections in Romanian and overseas and to prevent the sending of materials and letters with an unsuitable content overseas, taking measures like intercepting correspondence;when the person he was following moved to another place, he order his following in order to know his "new circle of connections, interests and future intentions", disposing for the use of mea