Am tot repetat in postarile anterioare despre ImPulsTanz ca as fi facut, acolo, una mare descoperire. Iat-o:
Cele de mai sus sint imagini din piesa Som Faves, de si cu Ivo Dimchev, performance prezentat in cadrul festivalului.
Pe site-ul ImPulsTanz piesa era anuntata in felul urmator:
“If you want me as your mother, you have to go to the theatre”, says Bulgarian performer Ivo Dimchev. His solo piece “Som Faves” (Some Favourites) makes it plain that he considers himself to be a mum with qualities. Equipped with a wig and a keyboard, Dimchev slips from one identity into another, each of which is part of a list of 100 themes that the artist – widely recognised not least on account of his radicalness – feels a connection to. Organisers can choose their favourites from the list, and Dimchev then realises them accordingly. So all performances of this piece are unique specimens. In any case, the result is a wild, intensive performance that is bound to get under your skin.
Despre Ivo Dimchev, Ivo Dimchev spune, sec, ca ce face el se cheama entertainment.
Un alt performer spune ca cel putin acest performance ii da un sentiment de revolta, ca strica (rostul) performance-ul(ui).
Despre workshopul lui, Do yourself a favour, Dimchev spune ca ii va ajuta pe participanti sa descopere ce le place sa faca pe scena, ce le iese si, nu in ultimul rind, ce i-ar placea lui sa vada. Multa placere la mijloc.
Pina aici avem un divertisment seducator care nu pare sa vrea sa spuna mare lucru si prin asta ridiculizeaza cumva alte performance-uri care ar intentiona sa spuna kestii si care nici macar nu sint asa de halucinant performate.
Desi ma ucid textele lui Ivo Dimchev, construite pe principiul divertismentului divertismentului, de genul celui din titlu sau fraze ca Why don’t you eat my food, You’re gonna die if you don’t eat. My food, pe