The buyer of the first bankrupt mall development project, which is seeing its deal contested, received the moneyh to acquire the project from the same bank that financed it in the first place.
"Shopping Center Holding", a company controlled by Puiu Popoviciu, paid on August 17th, the amount of 30.5 million Euros plus VAT for the purchase of the first bankrupt mall that the company called "MLS Proiect" developed in Oradea.
Andreea Anghelof, the representative of bankruptcy practitioner "Casa de Insolvenţă Transilvania", which has been appointed as bankruptcy trustee of "MLS Proiect Oradea", the developer of the mall, said: "The money for the acquisition of the project was transferred to the account on August 17th, because today (ed. note yesterday) was the last day of the 60-day deadline to pay for the acquisition of the real estate project".
She said that the main creditor of "MLS Proiect Oradea" is "Unicredit Ţiriac Bank" and that a decision will be made soon concerning the distribution of the amount that "Shopping Center Holding" paid to acquire the project.
According to data from the Electronic Archive for Real Estate Guarantees, it was "UniCredit Ţiriac Bank" again that lent 46.7 million Euros plus 37.8 million lei, to the company controlled by Puiu Popoviciu. "Shopping Center Holding", "Karias Trading Ltd" (the majority shareholder of the company) and Dumitru Ciocoiu (the administrator of the company and a minority shareholder) have guaranteed the loan by pledging the accounts opened with "Unicredit Ţiriac Bank" and have assigned to the bank any future receivables (rents, performance guarantees, the insurance policies for the project).
Other guarantees of the contract concluded with "Unicredit" on August 16th, are the shares that "Karias Trading Ltd" and Dumitru Ciocoiu own in the company "Shopping Center Holding", the all-risk in