"EximBank" has initiated a project to collaborate with the Management Authorities involved in the administration of the structural funds which is aimed at facilitating access to information for companies interested in accessing European funds, according to a press release sent to our editors.
"The absorption of European funds is essential to the recovery of the economy, and a greater transparency and more active communication are the main solutions to attract European funds", said Ionuţ Costea, the chairman of Eximbank. He added: "This is precisely why, through this project to cooperate with the Management Authorities, to do a cross promotion of the ways for accessing European funds and the banking products that EximBank provides to support companies and public authorities in their attempts to access funds made available by the European Union".
In order to unfold this project, EximBank has approached 17 Management Authorities and intermediary organisms (units for implementing operational programs on a regional level), and it will conclude partnerships which will set up a shared action framework for attracting European funds.
The bank offers companies and public authorities that have projects financed using structural funds a package which includes loans for co-financing and pre-financing, as well as letters of intent without commitment or collateral. The bank can finance up to 100% of the financing needs specific for projects financed using European funds.
The weight of loans granted for accessing structural funds out of the total number of loans granted by Eximbank has increased to 45% compared to 9.45% in 2009.
A.A.(Translated by COSMIN GHIDOVEANU) "EximBank" has initiated a project to collaborate with the Management Authorities involved in the administration of the structural funds which is aimed at facilitating access to informatio