In the past five years, 25 plants owned by the biggest producers in the food and beverages industry shut down, with almost 3,000 people losing their jobs in the wake of these restructuring decisions.
"The main interest is not the domestic market, but the international one. Thus, production facilities are compared with the figures of plants in other countries and it is only the best that will be able to survive," stated Michael Weiss, vice-president and partner with A.T. Kearney management consultancy.
Companies that have closed as many as three production facilities since 2005 include Bunge Romania, the producer of Floriol and leader of the domestic vegetal oil market, the producer of Milli and Napolact dairy products, Friesland Campina Romania and Coca-Cola HBC Romania, owner of Coca-Cola soft drinks brand.
The closures, which are likely to continue in the near future, were prompted by players' desire to optimise production at European level and slash costs.
In the past five years, 25 plants owned by the biggest producers in the food and beverages industry shut down, with almost 3,000 people losing their jobs in the wake of these restructuring decisions.
"The main interest is not the domestic market, but the international one. Thus, production facilities are compared with the figures of plants in other countries and it is only the best that will be able to survive," stated Michael Weiss, vice-president and partner with A.T. Kearney management consultancy.
Companies that have closed as many as three production facilities since 2005 include Bunge Romania, the producer of Floriol and leader of the domestic vegetal oil market, the producer of Milli and Napolact dairy products, Friesland Campina Romania and Coca-Cola HBC Romania, owner of Coca-Cola soft drinks brand.
The closures, which are likely to conti