… am primit, dau mai departe – ca de la Voxpublica pentru Re-public. Ma grabesc sa adaug ca anuntul este cat se poate de serios si este adresat tuturor celor interesati in piraterie (de orice fel) ca forma de activism politic. Decat sa vorbiti despre piraterie numai pe Voxpublica, de ce sa n-o faceti cu toata seriozitatea pe Re-public. Spor la scris si tineti-ma la curent!
PS Imi cer scuze, dar nu am timp sa traduc comunicatul. Oricum, daca nu-l intelegeti, nu aveti nici cum sa scrieti
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to ask you to circulate this ‘call for papers’ which might be of interest to your faculty and postgraduate students.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Pavlos Hatzopoulos
Managing editor – Re-public
Call for papers – Piracy as activism
Online journal Re-public
Piracy, in the seas or lands or digital networks, encompasses a wide array of practices that shape, and often transform, these spaces and networks. Apart from this constitutive power, pirate practices also challenge the formal organisation of spaces and networks, by projecting and instituting alternative mobilities, hierarchies, boundaries, and social relations.
This special issue aims to explore pirate practices and subjectivities in terms of their resistance to the dominant organisations of everyday life. Possi