Tuesday, November 30, 2010, SC RAJA SA Constanta in the presence of the local and district county authorities, signed the loan agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Through this agreement the regional operator in the field of water supply will receive financing for the project "Rehabilitation and modernization of water supply and sewerage systems in the region Constanta - Ialomita".
The loan of 200 million euros, representing co-financing for SC RAJA SA, was given after three months of talks between the two parties and the conditions are some of the best. The project is particularly important, as it is unique in Romania by its size and extent and the beneficiaries are numerous administrative units in the two counties.
Basically, after this contract will be implemented, several localities in Constanta and Ialomita counties will have 301 more kilometers of sewerage system, another 24 kilometers will be rehabilitated, 20 urban agglomerations will be equipped with collection and cleaning system for the wastewater, discharge pipes will extend 54 kilometers, 40 wastewater pumping stations are going to be build and seven others rehabilitated, plus many other extremely important investment for each locality. Following implementation of the project, over 6,000 households will be connected to the water supply system.
"The program extends until 2015"
The event gathered the most important figures of the political life in the district: Mayor Radu Mazare and the two deputies - Gabi Stan and Decebal Fagadau, the president of Constanta County Council - Nicuşor Constantinescu, the vicepresident of Constanta County Council - Cristinel Dragomir, Senator Nicolae Moga and MP Cristina Dumitrache. Many mayors in the county, whether members of the Social Democratic Partty (Matei Nicolae - Navodari Mariana Mircea - Cernavoda, Claudiu Tus