Several drawings and injurious messages, among which a swastika were painted on the Hungarian Embassy to Bucharest fence and district 2 police investigates the case, police spokesperson Christian Ciocan declared, quoted by Romanian news agency Mediafax.
The police will announce prosecutors to establish whether the painted messages are governed by OUG31/2002, a law forbidding symbols with a racist, fascist or xenophobic character. Hungarian Ambassador to Bucharest, Fuzes Oszkar declared that the incident should not be given too much attention because it does not characterize the relations between the two countries.
He said that the symbols are not a message, just an incident which should not be taken into consideration too much. At his turn, Hungarian Embassy counselor Balasz Adam said that the Embassy is guarded during the day only. Several drawings and injurious messages, among which a swastika were painted on the Hungarian Embassy to Bucharest fence and district 2 police investigates the case, police spokesperson Christian Ciocan declared, quoted by Romanian news agency Mediafax.
The police will announce prosecutors to establish whether the painted messages are governed by OUG31/2002, a law forbidding symbols with a racist, fascist or xenophobic character. Hungarian Ambassador to Bucharest, Fuzes Oszkar declared that the incident should not be given too much attention because it does not characterize the relations between the two countries.
He said that the symbols are not a message, just an incident which should not be taken into consideration too much. At his turn, Hungarian Embassy counselor Balasz Adam said that the Embassy is guarded during the day only.