Economy ministry relies in 2011 on revenues of 3.11 billion lei of which 2.88 billion lei would come from privatizations. The institution dealing with the state’s participations and privatizations in the industry on behalf of the Economy ministry, OPSPI, manages the ministry’s economic operators, mainly energy companies.
Other revenues on which the institution relies on come from dividends which the office estimates to worth 884 million lei by the end of the year. On the other hand, total spending estimated will be 3.73 billion lei. Managing and privatization spending will amount to 86.7 million lei. OPSPI will transfer to the state’s budge 3.6 billion lei.
Economy ministry plans to sell: minority shares at OMV Petrom, Transelectrica, Transgaz, Romgaz; majority sales at CUPRUMIN and ISCIR-CERT SA; minority or majority shares at Conpet SA, Oil Terminal S.A, OLTCHIM SA; shares to employees the state still holds at Distrigaz Sud and Nord, currently named E.ON Gaz Romania and GDF Suez Energy Romania; investments or privatization of Termoelectrica, Electrocentrale Paroseni, Santierul Naval Mangalia SA etc. Economy ministry relies in 2011 on revenues of 3.11 billion lei of which 2.88 billion lei would come from privatizations. The institution dealing with the state’s participations and privatizations in the industry on behalf of the Economy ministry, OPSPI, manages the ministry’s economic operators, mainly energy companies.
Other revenues on which the institution relies on come from dividends which the office estimates to worth 884 million lei by the end of the year. On the other hand, total spending estimated will be 3.73 billion lei. Managing and privatization spending will amount to 86.7 million lei. OPSPI will transfer to the state’s budge 3.6 billion lei.
Economy ministry plans to sell: minority shares at OMV Petrom, Tra