The Central Depository (DC), the company which performs the clearing and settlement for the trades of the BSE, will participate in the ReGIS electronic payment system of the National Bank of Romania (NBR), which deals with urgent and large payments.
"Starting with February 1st, 2011, our institution will participate in the ReGIS system and will have a current account opened with the Romanian National Bank, aside from its current participation in the system as a clearing house", a press release by the Central Depository states.
According to it, the current account opened on behalf of the Central Depository with the NBR will allow it to conduct operations pertaining to the guarantee fund and margins, as well as the recording of guarantees in the form of funds pertaining to the lending of financial instruments.
The settlement of the net positions of the members of the RoClear system, managed by the Central Depository, will remain unchanged.
C.P. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
The Central Depository (DC), the company which performs the clearing and settlement for the trades of the BSE, will participate in the ReGIS electronic payment system of the National Bank of Romania (NBR), which deals with urgent and large payments.
"Starting with February 1st, 2011, our institution will participate in the ReGIS system and will have a current account opened with the Romanian National Bank, aside from its current participation in the system as a clearing house", a press release by the Central Depository states.
According to it, the current account opened on behalf of the Central Depository with the NBR will allow it to conduct operations pertaining to the guarantee fund and margins, as well as the recording of guarantees in the form of funds pertaining to the lending of financial instruments.
The settlement of the net position