All newspapers on Tuesday read about the President’s announcement that authorities will continue their fight against fiscal evasion and warned those breaking the law that they will face serious consequences. British daily The Sun reports that British jails host 880 Romanians in 2009 registering a staggering increase compared to 2004. Famous singer Lady Gaga recently chose to wear a costume created by Romanian designed Dinu Bodiciu.
All newspapers on Tuesday read about President Basescu’s warning that authorities will continue their fight against fiscal evasion and warned those breaking the law that they will face serious consequences. I urge those using illegal means to decrease their evasions because they will surely have problems.
The President said that the state’s institutions need to continue their fight with organized crime either at the level of companies or in the intra-communitarian commerce with vegetables, fruits, potatoes, meat.
Evenimentul Zilei quotes British daily The Sun reading that in 2009 there were 880 Romanians in British jails, a staggering increase from 180 Romanians in 2004. In general, the number of foreign detainees in Great Britain increased from 8,355 in 2004 to 12,408 in 2009. Polish citizens are most numerous foreigners in British jails.
If in 2004 there were 99 Polish in British jails in 2009 their numbers increased to 1,240.
Romania libera reads that the famous singer Lady Gaga chose to wear a costume created by young Romanian designer Dinu Bodiciu.The costume is a two piece and is part of the graduation collection of the young Romanian designed Dinu Bodiciu at his masers, Fashion Design and Technology at the Fashion College of London.
The famous institution creates annually shows for its students. Dinu declared for the newspaper that he still cannot believe that L