* Buzatu: "The audit contains subjective remarks"
Serious accusations are being brought against Florian Buzatu, former director of SIF5 Oltenia, whose term expired on Thursday. He is accused of having defrauded SIF5 and the companies in its portfolio, causing them to incur losses.
The internal verification performed at SIF5 in February, upon notification from some of the company"s shareholders, proved that Florian Buzatu favored the conclusion of certain deals between companies in the portfolio of SIF5 and the members of its own family.
The Board of Directors of SIF "Oltenia" has also required the companies in its portfolio to perform a specialized audit of the issues which were uncovered.
"I won"t consider this control to be an audit, since it makes subjective remarks", said Florian Buzatu, on Saturday, adding that he is waiting for the audits of the companies in question to be completed, "so it can be proven that things are not the way the auditor of SIF5 presents them".
The investigation was launched just one month after Vasile Şalapa returned to the Board of Directors of SIF5 after almost five years of having been relieved of his position as president and chief executive officer by the directors of the company at the time, which also included Florian Buzatu.
The former director is convinced that his current troubles come from the former disagreements with the other directors. "They tried to find some dirt on Buzatu, but I do not wish to enter a polemic", he said.
When contacted by BURSA on Friday, Tudor Ciurezu, the deputy CEO of SIF5, said that he did not wish to comment on the actions of this colleagues, referring to Florian Buzatu.
* What the audit report says
The audit report details a losing deal between "Construcţii Feroviare" Craiova, in which SIF Oltenia holds a controlling interest, and