There is no dictatorship in history that doesn"t have this element: its final mistake. Do you remember? For instance, in Bucharest, in December 1989? The final mistake was the summoning of the meeting in the Palace Square! Whether it"s true or not, this is another story! What is important is that such events always become an important part of the myth. From the fall of Caesar and until today, no dictator ever successfully avoided the trap of this final and fatal mistake! What was it in the case of Gaddafi?
If you"re thinking of Lockerbie, you need to reconsider. That may have been a mistake, without a doubt, but it definitely wasn"t the most recent. Even more interesting, even though the United States, Great Britain, France and a few other countries cooperated for about eight years in order to legally prove the involvement of Gaddafi"s agents in the terrorist attack on the Pan Am flight which crashed in Scotland, Libya"s relations with the aforementioned countries entered a path which was very favorable to Gaddafi. In 2007, the very same French president who is today pushing for the military action against the Tripoli regime, was making an official visit to Libya in July 2007. Just a few months later, in the month of December of 2007, Gaddafi was being welcomed by Sarkozy, in Paris, in a official 5-day visit, (!!!), during which any extravaganza was allowed to the "leader of the Revolution", including the installation of a tent in the yard of the Marigny residence! In exchange for what, you ask?
For the contracts amounting to 10 billion Euros that Gaddafi signed during his trip to Paris, with major companies of French origin or in which France had a stake: Airbus, Areva, Vinci, Dassault Aviation, Eurocopter etc. In Great Britain, one of the last significant foreign policy gestures, of the Labor government led by Gordon Brown was the " blessing" for the r