(interview with Adrian Olteanu, CEO of "Flanco")
Reporter: How have the market segments that "Flanco" is active on evolved lately?
Adrian Olteanu: The markets that we are present on have stabilized, meaning that we haven"t had a drop as big as we did in 2009, when the industries that we are involved suffered an excessive correction. The drop was smaller in 2010, of just 5-10%. January 2011 had a promising start, February was a little tepid, but we are now seeing signs of a recovery.
Reporter: Does this mean that there will be growth in this sector?
Adrian Olteanu: It is difficult to estimate how the market will evolve this year. For instance, the unpredictable events in Japan will affect the markets that we are present on to a degree, because many of the components of electronics and electric goods go through there. If the factories of Japan will be shut down for a few weeks, the market may feel the effects. Measures taken by the government can also affect the overall evolution of the market.
Reporter: How do customers react to the constant evolution of the market, when it comes to electric and household appliances, as well as to new IT products?
Adrian Olteanu: On the market for large household appliances - refrigerators, washing machines, cookers - customers mostly buy such products to replace the old ones, rather than for using them in a new home. Small household appliances - microwave ovens, ironing machines - are also being bought for replacement purposes mostly, but there are also purchases that are done for new homes, whereas small household appliances which are intended for personal consumption and for the kitchen - steam cookers, air purifiers- are for the most part being bought for the first time, and they represent a new market segment.
If we are referring to the IT and electronics segment, there is a TV and a rad