The anti-missile shield will be placed in Romania at Deveselu, in Olt County, South Romania, President Traian Basescu announced on Tuesday after a meeting of the National Defense Council on Monday night. The President announced that the Council approved the US request to use the airport in Constanta, Mihail Kogalniceanu and Port of Constanta as transit infrastructures for the military transport and military equipment transport to Iraq and Afghanistan and return.
Here are the President’s most important statements:
The National Defense Council approved the request of the US to use the airport in Constanta, Mihail Kogalniceacu and Port of Constanta, South East Romania as transit infrastructure for the transport of military and military equipment towards and from Iraq and Afghanistan
I will send to the Parliament the letters with the decision of the Council
The second subject was related to the location for the anti-missile shield: we decided that the anti-missile shield will be placed at Deveselu in Olt County, South Romania
This is a defensive shield, of defense and of its efficiency other countries benefit as well With this anti-missile shield, Romania reaches its highest security level in its history.
Romania complied with its objective to ensure long term security
The elements of the anti-missile shield are not targeted against Russia
The level of anti-terrorist alert remains blue, which means precautionary
Currently, Romania answered the request to strengthen the security of some of its Embassies but the alert level in Romania remains precautionary The anti-missile shield will be placed in Romania at Deveselu, in Olt County, South Romania, President Traian Basescu announced on Tuesday after a meeting of the National Defense Council on Monday night. The President an