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The government anxiously awaiting the results of the elections in the PDL

Publicat in Bursa, miercuri 11 mai 2011 ·

The elections for the leadership of the PDL (Liberal Democrat Party), which will take place at the end of this week, can"t do anything to change the structure of the government of Victoriei Square. The three politicians fighting for the presidency of the party, aside from the factors that set them apart, are aware of the fact that the outcome of the elections of 2012 largely depends on whether PDL remains in power. The factions are clearly visible: one is grouped around Emil Boc, supported by the young faction of the party, as well as by the president of the country, the second backs Vasile Blaga, who has the support of the "seniors", and a third, smaller faction, which doesn"t seem to have any odds of winning and rather seems to exist only for diversity"s sake, is that of Theodor Paleologu. Remaining in power for another year is a matter of survival for the PDL. Without having access to the tools of the government, with the austerity measures in full effect, with a popularity that is waning, the party is at risk of sharing the fate of the Peasants" Party (PNŢ-CD) in the year 2000.

The two potential outcomes of the Congress which will be held this weekend seem completely opposite, when considering the statements made over the course of last month, but the major changes can only be made at the top of the party. The first possibility: Emil Boc gets reelected, things are very simple, he gets to keep his PM position and complete his term with the backing of the Presidency. The second: Vasile Blaga succeeds in becoming the president of the PDL. Even though he was attacked several times by president Băsescu, it is unlikely that Blaga would make an alliance with the party"s political opposition, because this would split PDL down the middle. Replacing the government and bringing in new faces, could provide a temporary popularity boost, but it is considered a move that

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