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Crossfire in the PDL

Publicat in Bursa, joi 26 mai 2011 ·

The internal elections of the Democrat Liberal Party failed to bring peace to the party led by Emil Boc. Quite the opposite, over the course of last week the number and the intensity of blows and disagreements have increased. The disagreements are plainly visible, they became obvious when the draft of the new law concerning the layoffs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, much to the surprise of the people in the government, was voted down by the Chamber of Deputies. Simply going over the exchange of statements made over the past few days clearly paints the picture of the of mind that exists in the PDL. Acknowledging the way things are, the PM has already announced a kind of "silenzio-stampa" to the journalists who were asking him questions about the reshuffling of the Government: "You will have to get used to this kind of PM, one that doesn"t issue statements any time, anywhere, regardless of the subject and o the manner those statements are made. So I have to ask you to understand that this part of the rigors of the position that I have".

In a statement issued last week, president Traian Băsescu said he was against holding a referendum in Bucharest, saying that the issue has been blown out of proportion and that it was up to the Parliament to decide whether the districts of Bucharest would be dissolved or not. This statement completely contradicts the entire campaign pushed by Elena Udrea, the head of PDL Bucharest, who in her public statements as well as on her blog fiercely promoted the idea of hosting a referendum tied to the Law of the Capital. "There is no need for any referendum. In this case it is up to the parliament to decide. I think we went a little bit overboard on this issue", president Traian Băsescu said. One post (of many) on the blog of Elena Udrea is enough to show that the people at the top of the current ruling party have diff

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