Romania’s Prime Minister plans to reorganize the country in regions after eight years of debates on the issue for the sake of EU funds. The opposition’s coalition, USL is heading to trouble as local leaders of the two parties compete to be elected USL candidates for the upcoming 2012 elections. Elsewhere in the news, one newspaper gives out four reasons for which Romania has expensive and bad roads. Romania and Bulgaria’s adhesion to Schengen might take years. Famous Japanese theatre company Yamanote Jijosha performs in Bucharest.
Gandul reads that EU funds promised by the Development ministry lead by Elena Udrea to PDL mayors condition PM Boc to another test in the Parliament. The replacement of counties in regions becomes now, the main priority of the government after eight years of debates and postpones.
The newspaper reads that Boc was given one month to finish the draft law re-organizing the administrative structure of the country. The stakes are high: 10 billion euro from EU funds which Romania can benefit from in 2013 – 2014. The condition from Brussels is to have Romania organized in regions with a judicial status.
So far, this discussion has been postponed for pragmatic reasons: if the government gives up the counties, county councils will also disappear while prefects will be transferred to the new structures which mean hundreds of positions in the administration lost and diminishing the influence of current county council presidents.
PDL sources said Boc will take responsibility for the draft law in the Parliament, as he needs to have the law passed by the end of the parliamentary session. However, the biggest problem is with the Hungarian Democrats, allies with Democratic Liberals. UDMR presented its own vision on administrative reorganization in which the counties dominated by the Hungarian minority become