One newspaper reveals an investigation about the use of legal drugs in Romania, with shocking discoveries. Elsewhere in the news, the European Parliament will vote on the Coelho report, regarding Romania and Bulgaria’s adhesion to Schengen today. Even though Germany admitted it’s not the cucumbers to be blamed for the E.coli epidemic, Romanian cucumber producers are close to bankruptcy.
Gandul releases an investigation about the use of legal drugs in Romania, ethnobotanical drugs with shocking stories: one stories involves a 10 year old boy who is proud to admit using drugs. When asked how he feels, he says it’s like eating a lot of chocolate.
The investigation targeted a neighborhood in Bucharest, well known for heroin users who have now switched on the use of plant drugs, which are legal. However, the newspaper reveals that injections with drugs have increased to 30 times/day as the effects of the plant drugs are shorter.
To get drugged is a sign of manhood in the hood, the newspaper reads. The newspaper reads there are 500,000 users of legal drugs in Romania. The investigation follows a series of death among youngsters who died of over use of plant drugs.
Only recently Romania’s PM Emil Boc announced that it will send a draft law forbidding the use of any spice substance. The law would copy the Polish law that sees that the sale or distribution of any such substance is punished by jail.
Evenimentul Zilei informs its readers that the European Parliament votes the Coelho report today, on Romania and Bulgaria’s adhesion to Schengen that was debated yesterday when most MEPs endorsed the report and the conclusion that the two countries are ready to join.
The result of the vote will represent the consultative approval of EP for the extension of Schengen. The final decision will be taken by European