The electricity output of "Hidroelectrica" has reached 9 Twh, in the first six months of 2010, even though the extended drought which has affected Europe has seriously lowered the flow of the Danube, which is very close to a historic low, Constantin Trihenea, the managing director of the company announced, at the conference on "Renewable Energy Resources".
The 70 attendees showed extreme interest in the strategies, evolutions and investments of the renewable energy market, an interest which is justified by the fact that currently, only 54% of Romania"s potential for hydroelectric energy is tapped.
According to Constantin Trihenea, the general objectives of the strategy of "Hidroelectrica" for the 2011-2025 period are the increase of the use of Romania"s hydroelectric energy potential, from its current level of 54%, to 64.95%, in 2025, by building new generation facilities; the establishment and the approval of a national program to exploit the hydroelectric technical convertible potential. Another goal is the creation of a national specific legislation, by which all the administrative and economic entities which benefit from hydroelectric energy would contribute to investments in the sector. This is a very important item of the strategy, given the fact the privatization of a minority stake in "Hidroelectrica" and the involvement of private equity in the making of investments in the future, the official of the company added: "Managers of private equity are first and foremost interested in energy indicators and in increasing profits". Given these circumstances, there will be lower interest in pushing complex hydroelectric conversion schemes, which would also ensure certain additional indirect services of public utility: water reserves for the population, the industry or agriculture; the transit of flood waves allowing to keep cities, communication arteries