* The BSE officials claim that the Bucharest Stock Exchange is not facing labor lawsuits
Last year"s layoffs at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) caused the company more problems that it would have expected even in its most pessimistic scenarios.
After losing in court the lawsuits against its former employees, and being forced to take them back in, after having laid them off, the Bucharest Stock Exchange recently came to the attention of the National Council for Fighting Discrimination (CNCD), which decided to open an investigation at the headquarters of the BSE, after one of its employees filed a complaint against the latter.
The representatives of the CNCD said:
"In 2011, an employee of the BSE submitted a complaint with us alleging discrimination against him. According to the provisions of the article 20, paragraph 4, of Government Ordinance no. 137/2000 concerning the prevention and sanctioning of any types of discrimination (republished), which stipulates that the solution to a complaint must be made by subpoenaing both parties, we inform you that the subpoena procedure has been carried out, and both parties were present at the hearing. Also, it has been decided to perform an investigation at the headquarters of the institution that the complaint was filed against". The date for the investigation has not yet been set, as the parties involved have requested for it to take place after August 20th.
However, this is not the first time that the Bucharest Stock Exchange has been the subject of a complaint with the Council against Discrimination. According to the officials of the institution, in 2010, the employees of the BSE have sent two notifications to the Council, following which the company was sanctioned with a warning.
At the time, the officials of the CNCD have found "the existence of discriminatory acts by failure t