* Maria Barna: We haven"t received the lists of candidates
* The National Liberal Party nominates Alexe Gavrilă for the position of vice-president of the Romanian National Securities Commission
On Tuesday, the candidates nominated for the management of the Romanian National Securities Commission and the Insurance Oversight Commission will present themselves on Tuesday in front of the specialized commissions of the Parliament, for hearings, according to the agenda of the Budget, Finance and Banking commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
The elections of a vice-president for the Romanian National Securities Commission and of four members for the Board of Directors of the Commission for the Insurance Oversight Commission, including that of the president, were supposed to take place in the previous session of the Parliament, but they were postponed for this autumn.
Even though several names have been dropped as potential candidates for the aforementioned positions, the members of the Parliament are not yet familiar with the names that they will hear on Tuesday.
"The lists of nominees (ed. note: for the Boards of Directors of the Romanian National Securities Commission And the Insurance Oversight Commission) have not yet been received", said Maria Barna, the president of the Budget Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, who added: "We will most likely find the names of the candidates on Monday or maybe even on Tuesday morning".
However, Alexe Gavrilă (ed. note: current vice-president of the Competition Council), who was nominated by liberals in the summer, seems to still be the option for the position of Romanian National Securities Commission vice-president, which was left open after the expiration of the mandate of Paul Miclăuş, in 2010.
"As far as I know, the National Liberal Party hasn"t changed its nomination of Alexe