* The assets are located on the shooting ground of Cincu
The Ministry of National Defense may take over several assets owned by Romarm at the Cincu shooting ground, in the county of Braşov, where the institution owns a military base. The assets owned by Romarm, through the branch of Metrom Braşov, will be sold to the Ministry of Defense, according to a draft government bill.
The assets proposed to be placed under the management of the Ministry of National Defense were built or installed on the Cincu shooting ground, in order to provide the objective with the facilities needed to manufacture, test and certify certain categories of weaponry and ammunitions stipulated in the manufacturing programs of the plants of the Industrial Complex for Special Equipment (which became the current company Romarm).
Until 1993, the investment projects performed on the plot of land owned by the Ministry of Defense were funded using the own resources of Metrom SA Braşov. Starting in 1994, due to a lack of financial resources, the Braşov-based company was unable to continue with the investments anymore, as Government Decision no. 113/2002 froze the construction of several investment objectives in the branches of Romarm SA which had not been commissioned.
The buildings which are proposed to be taken over by the Ministry of National Defense are located in the administrative area of the objective and are needed for the building of intervention homes, for the storage, maintenance and tuning of training equipment.
The Cincu shooting range was made available for use by the United States forces, through the Law no. 268/2006 for the ratification of the Agreement between Romania and the United States concerning the activities of the United States forces stationed in Romania, which was signed in Bucharest on December 6th, 2005. The buildings which are the property o