Maker of high-class wines "Rotenberg" "skipped last year"s harvest", according to Mihail Rotenberg, the owner of the wine caves of Ceptura: "The 2010 viticultural year was worthless. Because of rain, of the weather conditions, and of various other factors, the wines came out too strong, with too much alcohol and we only produced two types of rosé wines - < Rapsod > and < Rotenberg >".
This year wasn"t that great either, according to Rotenberg, who said that the crop of 2011 was "rather weak": "We picked the grapes very quickly, trying to make wines with lower alcohol content, of about 13 degrees. Alcohol offends the smell and masks the quality".
The owner of the "Rotenberg" wine cellar said that this autumn, the harvest was about four tons of grapes/hectare: "We are usually looking to obtain five tons of grapes, and in the good years we succeed in getting as much as 8 tons of grapes per hectare".
* High class wines sell better in hypermarket chains than in specialized stores
High quality wines, which are usually sold in the HoReCa sector (hotels, restaurants, catering), are far more successful in hypermarkets than in specialized stores, said Mihail Rotenberg. He said that, beginning in 2011, the high class "Rotenberg" wines can also be found on the shelves of hypermarkets such as "Carrefour", "Metro" or "Mega Image": "Our clientele, essentially middle-class people, make their own purchases and don"t have the time to go to the specialized wine stores. They buy from hypermarket chains, and the wines that we make are extremely sought after in the retail sector. We sold more wine in < Metro > than we did in specialized stores".
Most of the wines made by the "Rotenberg" wine cellars are sold on the domestic market; the only country that Rotenberg exports to is France.
* On Saturday, "Rotenberg" launched two top wines
On Saturday,