Andrés Carrión Alvarez, în momentul arestării (foto: REUTERS)
Primesc un e-mail din State cu textul din titlu la “Subject” și cu interviul de mai jos în corpul scrisorii. Interviul, în engleză, e realizat cu Mirta Alvarez Bestard (58), mama lui Andrés Carrión, tânărul arestat de Securitatea cubaneză, pe 26 martie a.c., pentru că ar fi strigat “Jos comunismul!” și “Libertate!”, cu câteva minute înainte ca Papa să vorbească mulțimii adunate în Piața Antonio Maceo din Santiago de Cuba.
Dacă vreți să îl susțineți pe Andrés, o puteți face aici, via Amnesty International.
Jose Luis Ramos (Radio Marti): How is your son? What is his situation? I understand that you have not been able to see him… Mirta Alvarez Bestard: He looks desperate, because he is there, they have him there you know, he’s very cold, they don’t provide him with any sheets, not one, he is not allowed to be transferred to another prison ward and it seems that the preventive measure against him was withheld because we (the family) were not informed that we had to pick it up. We were given the document after we demanded it. Up to now, we have not been able to get a good lawyer. I’m desperate because I fear for my son’s life. If he is accused of public disorder there is no reason for him to be shut up where he is. I don’t know what to do, I beg that he receive assistance. I have had to struggle to become strong and thus be able to to give strength to my son. Have you been able to discuss his case? Did your son express any type of concern in this regard? (We had) 15 minutes for everything. Only three are allowed inside (the prison visit): mother, sister, and when the mother is present, the father cannot be present. Nothing can be discussed with him. We only greet him and have some small talk; we are not allowed to discuss what happened. Who does not allow you to speak of the case? The warder or