* The associations have requested the withdrawal of the draft law concerning the restitution of properties
* Dorina Danielescu, ANRP: The talks were constructive
An extremely stormy talk took place yesterday between the representatives of the former owners and the authorities, which have proposed the capping of the compensation for owners whose assets were abusively seized by the communist regime at 15% of the real value of the asset.
Present at the meeting were Dorina Danielescu, the chairwoman of the National Authority for the Restitution of Properties (ANRP) Gheorghe Gherghina, state secretary in the Ministry of Finance.
Adrian Iuraşcu, the representative of the former property owners, said that the talks were extremely stormy and that he has requested the total cancellation of the draft law, rather than its amendment.
He also said that he has notified the National Council For Fighting Discrimination on the matter of the draft law.
Adrian Iuraşcu also said that on Friday, at 14:00, the former asset owners will return to the Ministry of Finance to be told whether the draft law will be pulled or not. If the government stands by its proposal, Mr. Iuraşcu said that the former owners will sue the Romanian state, including by going to the ECHR.
He also said: "The president of the ANRP and the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, Gheorghe Gherghina, have said that the draft law has been written by amateurs".
Dorina Danielescu said that even though the talks were heated, they were also constructive: "The associations came with objections, proposals and amendments to the law. They will be centralized and analyzed by the Ministry Committee in order to amend the draft law".
Even though the consultation with the former asset owners was scheduled for 15:00, the Government debated the draft project of the law