RazvanDumitrescupresentedin the Tuesday eveningeditionof the show "Subjective" the composition ofthe Constitutional Court of Romaniaas the decisionto validate or invalidate thereferendumiscurrentlyin the handsof the Court judges.
Four of the Court judges were appointedby Traian Basescuand the Democrat Liberl Party (DLP). Here is the full list with the names of the CCR judges.
-AugustinZegrean,appointedby president Basescu in 2007
-PeterLazaroiu,appointed by president Basescuin 2010
-MirceaStefanMinea,appointed by the Chamberof Deputies(DLP)in 2010
-IuliaMotoc, appointed by theSenate (DLP)in 2010
-CasparAcsinte,appointed by ex-presidentIonIliescuin 2004
-AspaziaCojocaru, appointed by theChamberof Deputies(Social Democrat Party - SDP)in 2004
-IonPredescu,appointed by the Senate(SDP)in 2004
-TudorelToader,appointed by the Chamberof Deputies(NLP)in 2007
-ZoltanPuskascalledtheSenate(UDMR)in 2007
According toOanaStănciulescu, adecisionon the referendum must be made by6 to 3 votes.She also mentioned thatshedid not thinkthat the CCwould decideinfavor ofthose whohad initiated the project,or most probablythey would decide the same as in the impeachment case, sending it toParliamentto besolved.
RazvanDumitrescupresentedin the Tuesday eveningeditionof the show "Subjective" the composition ofthe Constitutional Court of Romaniaas the decisionto validate or invalidate thereferendumiscurrentlyin the handsof the Court judges.
Four of the Court judges were appointedby Traian Basescuand the Democrat Liberl Party (DLP). Here is the full list with the names of the CCR judges.
-AugustinZegrean,appointedby president Basescu in 2007
-PeterLazaroiu,appointed by president Basescuin 2010