FourearthquakesoccurredSunday,in Vrancea area.The magnitude ofearthquakesranged from2.6 to3.4on the Richter scale,according to the Romanian National Institutefor Earth Physics.
The firstquakeoccurred at3.02 a.m,at a depth of118 km, and had a magnitudeofover 3.4on the Richter scale.The secondearthquaketook place at 5:13 a.m. , at a depth of114 km. It was2.6degrees.
At5:54 p.m.,at a depthof 133kilometers, occured a third earthquake,of 3 degreeson the Richter scale.
The last tremor took place at 7:14 p.m., and had a magnitude of 3 degrees. It occured at a depth of108 km.
FourearthquakesoccurredSunday,in Vrancea area.The magnitude ofearthquakesranged from2.6 to3.4on the Richter scale,according to the Romanian National Institutefor Earth Physics.
The firstquakeoccurred at3.02 a.m,at a depth of118 km, and had a magnitudeofover 3.4on the Richter scale.The secondearthquaketook place at 5:13 a.m. , at a depth of114 km. It was2.6degrees.
At5:54 p.m.,at a depthof 133kilometers, occured a third earthquake,of 3 degreeson the Richter scale.
The last tremor took place at 7:14 p.m., and had a magnitude of 3 degrees. It occured at a depth of108 km.