Interim president Crin Antonescu met on Tuesday with the IMF mission to Romania. In the start of the meeting, interim president Antonescu reassured the IMF representatives that the current political turbulence would not affect the economy, the measures Romania engaged itself to and the agreements that Romania has with the international institutions and organisations.
The International Monetary Fund is concerned about the political crisis and the its effects on the economy.
„To be direct, we are a bit concerned about this situation and, also, about the impact of the current political situation on the economy“, the IMF mission chief said.
He welcomed the intention of the Romanian officials to respect their engagements with the financial institutions.
„In the recent years, Romania has made progress to comeback from the financial crisis and the economy has made progress in the sense of stabilizing the inflation and the budgetary situation“, Erik de Vrijer added.
„The current turbulence aggravate the economy, which reflects in the investitors' trust and in the negative evolution of the exchange rate, but also in the economy financing costs“, de Vrijer also said.
He stated that it was very important for the Executive to focus on the macro-economic objectives, „to promote a budgetary policy by reforms which would determin a faster economic growth.“
He remarked that „it is very important not only to talk about these measures, but also to act.“
Interim president Crin Antonescu met on Tuesday with the IMF mission to Romania. In the start of the meeting, interim president Antonescu reassured the IMF representatives that the current political turbulence would not affect the economy, the measures Romania engaged itself to and the agreements that Romania has with the international institutions and o