Update. Curtea Constituţională din Germania a hotărît. Europa şi Germania pot răsufla uşurate.
In a historically significant signal for the euro rescue, the German Federal Constitutional Court on Wednesday ruled there are no grounds to stop the country from ratifying the European Stability Mechanism, the permanent euro bailout fund. However, the justices expressed some reservations.
The court ordered that ratification can only be completed if there are constitutional assurances that Germany’s current maximum liability of €190 billion can only be increased with the approval of the federal parliament, the Bundestag, court President Andreas Vosskuhle said.
Germany is the only euro-zone member state that has not yet ratified the treaty establishing the ESM. Without the participation of the EU’s largest member state, the bailout fund has not been able to begin its work yet. (sursa)
Răutăcioşii ar putea spune că forul a hotărît cumva împotriva unei dorinţe populare fierbinţi în Germania de a nu-şi asuma riscuri pentru salvarea Sudului. Se poate şi la ei, haha:).
Following Wednesday’s ruling, German President Joachim Gauck is now free to sign the ESM treaty, which has already been approved by Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, in July. The ESM can only go into effect with his signature.
Text iniţial. Azi vin în România Ministrul francez de Interne, Manuel Valls, şi ministrul-delegat pentru Afaceri Europene, Bernard Cazeneuve. Valls tocmai a făcut o declaraţie dură despre expulzarea romilor. Mai puţin dură decît şi-a închipuit presa română care a tradus On “ne peut pas accueillir toute la misère du monde”
„Franţa nu poate primi toată mizeria din lume şi din Europa”
cînd traducerea mai apropiată de adevăr ar fi “Franţa nu poate primi toţi oropsiţii/nefericiţii din lume”. (Nici “mizerabilii” lui Hugo nu erau tocmai “mize