* The government wants approximately 60 million Euros for CFR Marfă, with a participation collateral of 10 million Euros
"Grup Feroviar Român" (GFR) is interested in the privatization of CFR Marfă, according to businessman Gruia Stoica, the owner of Grampet Group, which GFR is a part of.
He said, however, that the involvement of GFR in the privatization process also depends on how that process will go, and he emphasized: "We are interested in the privatization CFR Marfă, but not under any circumstances. It is hard to believe that the Romanian government will completely cancel the debts of CFR Marfă. The involvement of the Grampet - Grup Feroviar Român group of companies in the privatization process will also depend on the evolutions of this approach".
Gruia Stoica also considers that the mission of the Ministry of Transports is to draw up an integrated strategy for all transport sectors.
The businessman said: "Even though we understand that the attention will be focused on the privatization of CFR Marfă, we believe that the mission of the Ministry of Transports and of those in this ministry is to draw up an integrated strategy for all the transport sectors, which would benefit the entire company and the country's budget. Our opinion is that a national strategy for transports is needed, with implications on a national, regional and European level. This is the mission of those who lead the ministry, not to keep track of each individual company".
The Minister of Transports recently announced, after a brief discussion with the representatives of the IMF, that the privatization of CFR represents a priority of his term, after stating, just a few days ago, that he does not intend to put the railroad operator up for sale.
The executive estimates that following the sale of a 51% stake in the state owned company, it will earn 268,752,103 le