“The articles published between February 4th – 6th by Paginademedia.ro on show broadcasted on February 4th by Antena 1 respect both Romanian legislation and deontological standards”, a position signed by ActiveWatch and Romanian Center for Independent Journalism (CJI) says.
“Media must accept that, at its turn, can be target of critics coming from inside its ranks or from outside, and criticism made with good faith can be an useful feedback for media professionals”, the organizations add.
“We consider Antena 1’s actions related to suing Petrisor Obae, the journalist who wrote the materials we mentioned and that seek Euro 500,000 damages for prejudices are in contradiction with art 10 from European Convention for Human Rights and with Human Rights European Court jurisprudence”, they also say.
ActiveWatch and CJI also say that Antena 1’s action “is extremely dangerous as it puts even more pressure on journalists that do their jobs “in a professional way and in good faith”
“The articles published between February 4th – 6th by Paginademedia.ro on show broadcasted on February 4th by Antena 1 respect both Romanian legislation and deontological standards”, a position signed by ActiveWatch and Romanian Center for Independent Journalism (CJI) says.
“Media must accept that, at its turn, can be target of critics coming from inside its ranks or from outside, and criticism made with good faith can be an useful feedback for media professionals”, the organizations add.
“We consider Antena 1’s actions related to suing Petrisor Obae, the journalist who wrote the materials we mentioned and that seek Euro 500,000 damages for prejudices are in contradiction with art 10 from European Convention for Human Rights and with Human Rights European Court jurisprudence”, they also say.
ActiveWatch and CJI also say that Antena 1’s action “is extremely dange